Thank you for stopping by our website! You’ll find Scott Church to be a relevant church where you can come as you are, and leave empowered to face life in a changing world with hope, faith, and the love of Jesus. You’ll find our faith community to be filled with ordinary people just like you who believe in and serve an extraordinary God! We invite you to take a look around this site. Our goal is to give you a glimpse into who Scott Church is, help you discover how to get connected, and give you tools to face the journey of life in our ever-changing-world with the power, love, and grace of Jesus. We would like to invite you to worship with us every Sunday at 10:45am and Sunday School at 9:30am
Important Update: Ash Wednesday Services will be held March 5th at 6pm
Community Choral Practice at the church on Wednesdays at 6pm and Sundays at 4pm
Join us on Sunday mornings at Scott Memorial UMC at 10:45am every Sunday Morning for Worship.
We Invite you to come join our new Sunday School groups meeting att 9:30am every Sunday Morning to deepen and increase your faith journey.
Come join us on Wednesdays for Bible Study at 11:30am for conversation and fellowship
If you cannot physically come to church join us on our Facebook page.
We are always looking for new ideas and ministry oppurtunities and to meet new people!
Life is about communication, and the church is about people! The church is nothing without people like you. In fact, our church would be so enriched, if you do not have a church home, and you chose to make Scott Church your place of worship, growth, and service. For those who have made Scott your home, the church is not the same without you! With this in mind, we've created this tab. This section is all about communnication and keeping connected. Here, you will find out the latest news about what's happening at Scott Church and around our community by checking out our latest Newsletter and Publications HERE.
Want to help Scott Church live out the Great Commandment to love God and others? Want to be a part of fulfilling the Great Commission to make disciples of Jesus? Do you need a place to give quickly, easily, and with a sincere heart without hastle? This is the place for you. Click HERE to get started. Let us just say Thank You! from the very start, before you go any further. Your gift will keep giving far beyond today, to reach our community and world with the love, hope, and peace of Jesus, for years to come. We could not do it without your generosity...Thank You!